Ebony Pants+11

Made with Ebony fibers

Tribe : Kanhoa
Req. Level : 46
Defense : 21
Durability : 14199
Glow Color : Green
Cost : 71,401 Dien
Sells for : 10,710 Dien
Effect : Strength +6
Intelligence +3
Stamina +1
Dexterity +12
Sense +4
Ki +5

Refined from Ebony Pants+10
6xA Piece of Wood
5xA Piece of Kudu Leather
5xFeather of Hawk+1
5xStone of Earth
1xHwangsaeg Shard
Cost : 17,883 Dien
Refine chance : 33%
Refined at : Danduki

Can be refined to:
Ebony Pants+12
Refinement cost from to