Attribute :Ohra
Level :220
Movement :Moderate
HP :750,000
HP regen :300 HP/sec
EXP :350,000
Minimum defense :900
No crit. defense :1020
Minimum damage :100 HP
Attack speed :1 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :100 HP/sec
Dien drop :250,000 ~ 600,000 Dien

If you kill this monster you'll receive 100 HP
If you kill this monster you'll receive 100 MP

Can Drop:
1xVial of Green Sigil Dye2xGreen Thread

2xOrange Thread2xLight Blue Thread

2xPurple Thread1xVial of Yellow Sigil Dye

1xVial of Blue Sigil Dye1xVial of Red Sigil Dye

1xVial of Purple Sigil Dye1xVial of Orange Sigil Dye

1xLump of Pewter3xHealing Potion+3

3xMana Potion+31xVial of Light Blue Sigil Dye

1xYellow Crystal1xRed Crystal

1xPurple Crystal1xGreen Crystal

1xOrange Crystal1xRamhead Leather

1xRamhead Horn1xBlue Crystal

1xLight Blue Crystal