(235)Champion Karika
Attribute :Ohra
Level :235
Movement :Fast
HP :67,200
HP regen :200 HP/sec
EXP :34,400
Minimum defense :768
No crit. defense :816
Minimum damage :41 HP
Attack speed :1.2 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :49.2 HP/sec
Dien drop :8,500 ~ 24,500 Dien

Can transform into:
5% Chance to turn into:1x(149)Karacka

Can Drop:
1xKarisha Hairpin1xRacaoo Upper Armor

1xKarisha Upper Garment1xKarisha Skirt

1xKarisha Boots1xRacaoo Sword

1xSoul's Wing1xKarisha Sleeve

1xRacaoo Pants1xRacaoo Bow

2xMana Potion+11xA Piece of Sharkskin

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xViol's Eye

1xViol's Eye+14xBlue Pebble

2xLump of Silver2xLump of Gold

2xA Piece of Sharkskin1xHematite



1xScroll(Armor of Kanar)1xScroll(The Diary of Kanar)

1xMysterious Powder of Kanar2xMysterious Powder of Kanar

1xA Piece of Mona1xHeart of Eternity

4xRed Pebble1xA Piece of Elephant leather

1xHai-ring L3(+1)2xLimonite

1xScroll(Weapon of Kanar)2xHealing Potion+1