(175)Nayaparam Babylord
Attribute :Tar
Level :175
Movement :Fast
HP :800,000
HP regen :265 HP/sec
EXP :240,000
Minimum defense :700
No crit. defense :750
Minimum damage :44 HP
Attack speed :1.2 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :52.8 HP/sec
Dien drop :900,000 ~ 2,750,000 Dien

Can transform from:
(175)Nayaparam Underlord

Can Drop:
1xCrystal of Mir1xA wooden Doll(Yelba)

1xMustache of Danki(Yelba)1xSeed of Yen(Ohra)

1xFeather of Hawk(Mir)1xBlood of Vina(Tar)

1xPeacock Feather1xSwan Feather

1xCuspid of Buya(Tar)3xViol's Eye

3xSwan Feather3xPeacock Feather

2xHeart of Mankut2xViol's Eye+1

2xCrystal of Mir2xMutation Scale

2xA Piece of Sun2xA Piece of Mona