Attribute :Tar
Level :30
Movement :Fast
HP :640
HP regen :22 HP/sec
EXP :145
Minimum defense :50
No crit. defense :109
Minimum damage :8 HP
Attack speed :1.5 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :12 HP/sec
Dien drop :10 ~ 100 Dien

- Yerden / Kine Desert

Can transform from:

Can transform into:
7.5% Chance to turn into:2x(150)Shapa-hai
12.5% Chance to turn into:1x(150)Lao-hai
4.98% Chance to turn into:1x(150)Ken-hai
0.03% Chance to turn into:1x(150)Turana

Can Drop:
1xRed Hawk Boomerang1xBeast Shard

1xFulliya Hairlace1xFulliya Boots

1xEmbroidery Mantle1xLizard Leather Mantle

1xBamboo Mantle1xLeather Mantle

1xFulliya Cape1xSteel Sword

1xWing Sword1xMareeta Yelba-Na

1xAxe Decorated Stone Point Dagger1xSteel Boomerang

1xMonda Tar-Na1xPoint Wooden Dart

1xMushroom Point Stone Dart1xPaulownia Bow

1xMelpha Sharm-Ohra1xFulliya Sleeve

1xFulliya Upper Garment1xSharp Stone Point Dagger

1xSharp Stone Point Bamboo Nang1xSharp Stone Point Wood Nang

1xAcacia Bow1xViol's Eye

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xViol's Eye+1

1xViol's Eye+11xTears of Red Muru

1xA Piece of Wood1xBlue Pebble

1xLump of Bronze1xLump of Iron

3xLump of Gold3xLump of Gold

1xHorn1xLump of Gold

1xA Piece of Sharkskin2xViol's Eye

1xRed Pebble1xA Piece of Leather

1xLump of Silver