(125)Ravan Gyges
Attribute :Tar
Level :125
Movement :Fast
HP :34,000
HP regen :200 HP/sec
EXP :15,000
Minimum defense :370
No crit. defense :410
Minimum damage :30 HP
Attack speed :0.8 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :24 HP/sec
Dien drop :6,000 ~ 22,000 Dien

- Ancient Ruins

Can transform from:
(128)Maoo Gyges

Can transform into:
26.25% Chance to turn into:1x(128)Maoo Gyges
8.75% Chance to turn into:1x(131)Giges Chief

Can Drop:
1xFire Soul Yelba-Na1xArang-chaoo Helmet

1xRacaoo Helmet1xKarisha Hairpin

1xKarisha Upper Garment1xWind Soul Tar-Na

1xWater soul Sharm-Ohra1xA Piece of Ebony

1xA Piece of Woolen1xRacaoo Upper Armor

1xArang-chaoo Upper Armor1xCoke

1xHangug Shard1xCuspid of Buya+1

1xCuspid of Buya+21xMustache of Danki+1

1xMustache of Danki+21xA Piece of Sharkskin

1xScroll(Weapon of Kanar)1xScroll(Armor of Kanar)

1xScroll(The Diary of Kanar)1xA Piece of Elephant leather

1xA Piece of Woolen1xA Piece of Silk

1xScroll(Kamshakata)1xScroll(Rian Village)
