(178)Elite Karacka
Attribute :Yelba
Level :178
Movement :Moderate
HP :50,400
HP regen :200 HP/sec
EXP :27,000
Minimum defense :588
No crit. defense :624
Minimum damage :41 HP
Attack speed :1.3 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :53.3 HP/sec
Dien drop :8,500 ~ 24,500 Dien

Can transform into:
5% Chance to turn into:1x(147)Karika

Can Drop:
1xRacaoo Pants1xWater soul Sharm-Ohra

1xRacaoo Helmet1xRacaoo Upper Armor

1xRacaoo Glove1xRacaoo Boots

1xSun Sword1xSun Bow

1xSoul's Wing1xFire Soul Yelba-Na

1xWind Soul Tar-Na2xHematite

1xHeart of Mankut1xA Piece of Woolen

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xViol's Eye1xViol's Eye+1

2xHealing Potion+12xMana Potion+1

4xRed Pebble2xLump of Gold



1xScroll(Weapon of Kanar)1xScroll(Armor of Kanar)

1xScroll(The Diary of Kanar)1xMysterious Powder of Kanar

2xMysterious Powder of Kanar2xA Piece of Woolen

1xA Piece of Sun4xBlue Pebble

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xLimestone

2xLump of Silver1xA Piece of Silk