(120)Spectral Overlord
Attribute :None
Level :120
Movement :Fast
HP :3,000
HP regen :200 HP/sec
EXP :10,000
Minimum defense :10
No crit. defense :20
Minimum damage :78 HP
Attack speed :1.3 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :101.4 HP/sec
Dien drop :100,000 ~ 400,000 Dien

If you kill this monster you'll receive 300 MP
This monster will disappear after 15 minutes.
This monster respawns after 15 minutes.

- Duel

Can transform from:

Can Drop:
1xKarisha Hairpin3xBlood of Vina+1

1xRacaoo Pants1xKarisha Sleeve

1xPeacock Bracer3xHai-ring L9(+1)

3xMustache of Danki+11xRacaoo Shield

1xRacaoo Helmet1xRacaoo Upper Armor

1xRacaoo Boots1xArang-chaoo Shield

1xArang-chaoo Helmet1xArang-chaoo Upper Armor

1xArang-chaoo Gauntlet1xArang-chaoo Boots

1xKarisha Upper Garment1xKarisha Skirt

1xKarisha Boots1xSwan Helmet

1xSwan Upper Armor1xSwan Gauntlet

1xPeacock Shield1xPeacock Helmet

1xPeacock Upper Armor1xPeacock Pants

1xPeacock Boots1xForest Soul Coronet

1xForest Soul Garment1xForest Soul Skirt

1xForest Soul Sleeve1xForest Soul Boots

3xHai-ring L73xHai-ring L7(+1)

3xHai-ring L83xHai-ring L8(+1)

3xHai-ring L93xFeather of Hawk+1

3xFeather of Hawk+23xSeed of Yen+1

3xSeed of Yen+23xCuspid of Buya

3xCuspid of Buya+13xMustache of Danki

3xMustache of Danki+23xBlood of Vina+2

3xStone of Wind3xStone of Earth

3xStone of Water3xStone of Fire

1xRacaoo Glove1xSwan Boots

3xFeather of Hawk3xDungeon Healing Potion

1xSwan Skirt3xBlood of Vina

1xArang-chaoo Skirt3xCuspid of Buya+2

3xSeed of Yen2xPeacock Feather

3xHai-ring L53xHai-ring L9(+2)

1xSaviour Orb2xSwan Feather

2xA Piece of Woolen