Attribute :Tar
Level :65
Movement :Moderate
HP :3,200
HP regen :110 HP/sec
EXP :1,500
Minimum defense :161
No crit. defense :181
Minimum damage :20 HP
Attack speed :1.2 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :24 HP/sec
Dien drop :30 ~ 1,000 Dien

If you kill this monster you'll receive 25 MP

- Kamshakata

Can transform from:

Can transform into:
6% Chance to turn into:2x(150)Ken-hai
5.99% Chance to turn into:2x(150)Lao-hai
3% Chance to turn into:2x(150)Dark-hai
0.02% Chance to turn into:1x(150)Turana

Can Drop:
1xFulliya Boots1xBamboo Boots

1xMushroom Point Stone Dart1xWind-Clam Shield

1xGold-Rimmed Shield1xPuy-Shell Shield

1xRed Hawk Shield1xOlenji Shard

1xLeather Boots1xAxis Deer Leather Boots

1xSharkskin Boots1xEbony Boots

1xLoonba Boots1xSteel Sword

1xWing Sword1xSnake Sword

1xMonda Tar-Na1xRamar Tar-Na

1xTuyana's Shield1xPoint Wooden Dart

1xTri Bronze Dart1xKudu Leather Boots

1xManobeads Boots1xSutulus Tar-Na

1xViol's Eye1xRed Pebble

1xCrystal of Yelba1xCrystal of Mir

1xA Piece of Cloth1xA Piece of Wood

1xLump of Bronze2xLump of Bronze

1xLump of Iron2xLump of Iron

1xLump of Silver2xLump of Silver

1xLump of Gold3xLump of Gold

1xA Piece of Sharkskin1xScroll(Forest of Darkness)

1xScroll(Forest of Chaos)1xScroll(Entrance of Swamp)

1xScroll(Swamp of Death)1xScroll(Fury of Mankut)

2xViol's Eye1xViol's Eye+1

1xCrystal of Tar1xCrystal of Ohra

1xScroll(Rian Village)1xScroll(Yerden)

1xA Piece of Leather