Attribute :Yelba
Level :151
Movement :Fast
HP :43,000
HP regen :220 HP/sec
EXP :23,000
Minimum defense :500
No crit. defense :540
Minimum damage :43 HP
Attack speed :1.1 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :47.3 HP/sec
Dien drop :9,000 ~ 27,500 Dien

- Ruin of Skinks

Can Drop:
1xWind Soul Tar-Na1xArang-chaoo Skirt

1xArang-chaoo Gauntlet1xArang-chaoo Boots

1xSwan Shield1xMona Nang

1xSun Sword1xFire Soul Yelba-Na

1xMona Dagger1xMona Dart

1xPeacock Shield1xWater soul Sharm-Ohra

1xArang-chaoo Upper Armor2xHematite


2xLimonite2xA Piece of Elephant leather

1xA Piece of Silk2xA Piece of Silk

1xMutation Scale1xA Piece of Mona

1xA Piece of Sun1xHematite

1xA Piece of Elephant leather1xLimestone