Attribute :None
Level :1
Movement :Slow
HP :17
EXP :12
Minimum defense :2
No crit. defense :7
Minimum damage :1 HP
Attack speed :1.3 Atk/sec
Damage/Sec :1.3 HP/sec
Dien drop :40 ~ 60 Dien

- Yerden / Kine Desert

Can transform from:

Can transform into:
6% Chance to turn into:1x(1)Chamam
4% Chance to turn into:1x(150)Lo-hai

Can Drop:
1xSutu Yelba-Na1xCloth Bracer

1xPoint Stone Dagger1xCloth Glove

1xManobeads Boots1xLoon Yelba-Na

1xQuilted Skirt1xManobeads Cape

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xPompon

1xStone Sword1xCloth Headband

1xBone Boomerang1xSutulus Tar-Na

1xSueren Hairlace1xManobeads Hairlace

1xWooden Dart1xWillow Bow

1xKen Sharm-Ohra1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xCloth Upper Garment1xSueren Upper Garment

1xCloth Pants1xSueren Skirt

1xBamboo Bracer1xSueren Bracelet

1xManobeads Sleeve1xCloth Boots

1xBamboo Boots1xCloth Boots

1xWhite Oak Boots1xSueren Boots

1xWooden Boomerang1xShapa Tar-Na

1xWhite Oak Gauntlet1xLao Sharm-Ohra

1xQuilted upper garment3xLump of Gold

1xWarmcher's Tooth1xStone of Wind

1xStone of Earth1xStone of Water

1xStone of Fire1xViol's Eye

1xBlood of Vina1xSeed of Yen+1

1xSnake's Scale1xWhite Thread

1xYellow Thread1xBlack Thread

1xA Piece of Cloth1xA Piece of Wood

1xBlue Pebble1xLump of Iron

3xLump of Gold3xLump of Gold

1xHorn1xWarmcher's Tooth

1xA wooden Doll1xSeed of Yen

1xHai-ring L3(+1)1xFeather of Hawk

1xRed thread1xHai-ring L3(+1)

1xCuspid of Buya1xBlue Thread

1xA Piece of Leather1xHai-ring L3(+1)